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Our Tutoring Service

We believe that one-on-one, personalized, in-home instruction is the most effective way for students to focus on academic improvement and build confidence. We know that finding you the best tutor means more that just sending a qualified teacher into your home. We provide our clients access to the largest selection of highly qualified and fully screened professional tutors in the country. We believe that tutoring is most effective when the academic needs of the student are clearly defined. Our purpose is to help you clarify those needs, set academic goals, and meet those goals as quickly and effectively as possible. Using a tutor should be a positive experience that results in higher achievement and higher self-confidence for every learner.

Here Are Some Of Our Tutor Profiles

Carla C

Teaching Style

I believe each student has a unique way of learning, and that my job is to discover and support that learning style. Every writer has his or her own voice, and I work to empower writers to express their thoughts as clearly and powerfully as possible. My goal is not to impose information but to guide students in discovery, to support critical thinking and foster new perspectives. Writing is an intensely personal and creative act; I believe in providing a framework within which writing students can comfortably and confidently learn the strategies to speak easily on the page.

Experience Summary

I've spent most of my life helping people learn, starting as a peer tutor in high school! I began teaching professionally as a teaching assistant in college, and since then I've taught in a wide variety of settings, including government training programs, workplace and vocational education, university, high school and community college classes, and private language schools. As a published writer, I mentor and coach writing students in fiction, nonfiction and college composition, and I've designed and developed many classes and programs to support writing students of all levels. I was a tutor for three years at the International School of Languages in Beverly Hills, working with foreign students to improve their command of English. With a BA and MA in Russian studies and a minor in English and journalism, as well as certification in adult literacy, GED and basic education and a community college credential, I have a wide range of experience in language education and writing competency.


Type Subject Issued-By Level Year
Certification Website Design Ohio University Professional Development 2005
Certification Writing, English, Russian State of Arizona Community College 1995
Certification Adult Education, Writing, GED State of Arizona Adult Education 1995
Other Pickard Award for Short Fiction Potpourri Magazine / Pickard Foundation Short Story 1994
Certification Adult Education - GED, English, ESL UCLA - Applied Linguistics State of California 1987
Degree Russian Studies University of Arizona MA 1978
Degree Russian Studies/English University of Arizona BA 1976

Ashley A

Teaching Style

I believe every student is different and has his or her own way of learning. That’s why one of the most important things in being a tutor is the capability to listen to your students and understand their needs. Another fundamental quality in tutoring is the ability to make it fun and interesting for the student by developing a rapport with them. If the students aren’t comfortable or aren’t enjoying what they are learning, then there is no interest in retaining and applying the information. I am also a firm believer in using the Socratic Method to help students learn. I especially like asking students to explain how they came to their conclusion. I believe this forces them to understand the fundamentals surrounding the answer rather than giving a memorized response. This, in turn, leads to the development of critical thought which will benefit the student in all subject matters. I am also a firm believer in using the Socratic Method to help students learn. I especially like asking students to explain how they came to their conclusion. I believe this forces them to understand the fundamentals surrounding the answer rather than giving a memorized response. This, in turn, leads to the development of critical thought which will benefit the student in all subject matters.

Experience Summary

Ever since I was a child I loved to learn. I would read anything I could get my hands on to discover more about the interesting world we live in. My love for learning earned me a full scholarship to the University of Florida where I graduated with a BA in Economics. While at UF, I mastered my mathematical skills and critical thinking but it wasn't until I was working for an economist that I truly learned to write professionally and concisely. Today, I have become a well rounded individual who has never lost their love for learning. The only thing that has changed is that now I enjoy helping others love to learn through tutoring. Throughout my life I have tutored my family and friends but it wasn’t until recently that I began tutoring professionally. I have experience tutoring math, reading comprehension, science and economics. However, I am confident that I am capable of tutoring: writing, history, social sciences, sciences-(elementary, middle, astronomy, biology), economics, and psychology. I also have some experience with SAT Test prep.


Type Subject Issued-By Level Year
Degree Economics University of Florida BA 2006

Christine C

Teaching Style

It is a firm belief of mine that every child can learn and succeed, they just need the motivation and positive environment to do so. With that said, I strive to create a learning-rich environment where students are encouraged to ask questions and find answers. I also like to encourage my students to try their hardest and to not be discouraged by challenging material. In addition, I realize that many students do not receive encouragement or learning opportunities at home, so I try to compensate for that by filling the day with multiple academic opportunities and challenges and positive relationships and encouragement. I have a medium control approach where I allow the children's inner motivation to steer the way instead of my external direction. It is my hope that I positively impact each and every child that I come into contact with.

Experience Summary

I am currently an elementary education major at the University of Florida. I will graduate in May 2009 and then stay an additional year for graduate school. In all of my classes, I have been taught a variety of information to use when working with children. Because I am in the ProTeach Program, I have been given a large magnitude of opportunities to work with children all over the Gainesville area from a variety of backgrounds. I have worked in a rural 3rd grade classroom and an urban 3rd and 4th grade classroom. I have also worked at a day care center in Gainesville. I have been a tutor for the Bright Futures Program for a little girl at risk in the second grade. Back home in Jacksonville, I was a private teacher for a 4th grade girl that was home schooled year around.


Type Subject Issued-By Level Year
Degree Elementary Education University of Florida BA May 2009

Vinod V

Teaching Style

The cornerstone of my teaching philosophy and personal teaching goals is to help students develop their own thinking skills. I believe all students should leave the school armed with the ability to think for them selves, to think critically and to think creatively. Understanding how people learn is one of the significant aspects of teaching. This is linked to their “knowledge” background and maturity. The key to teaching is to relate to the audience by starting from what they know and building upon it. As a teacher I am totally involved with the class, dedicated to my students and 100% prepared to devote time and energy for their intellectual growth. Love for teaching evokes passion and dedication within me. I believe that the enthusiasm of a motivated teacher rubs off on his/her students, who derive the inspiration and encouragement which actuates their desire to learn. A good teacher should have sound fundamentals and command over the concepts. Fundamentals are the foundation intrinsic for mastering the subject; only teachers who are strong in fundamentals will be able to pass it on to their students. I believe that my strong command over the fundamentals will rub off on my students. I believe that the role of a teacher is that of a leader where you have to show the path, motivate, encourage, and lead by example. In short, my success lies in seeing my students succeed.

Experience Summary

My enthusiasm and love for education can be gauged from the fact that I pursued three Masters degrees in three distinct but related fields. One cannot pursue engineering as a profession without having an affinity for Math and Analysis. Math was a passion for me from my young days and still very much remains so. I have a thorough knowledge and understanding of math. Right from my school days I was involved and loved to teach math. I invariably obtained A+ scores in whatever math test I took in my lifetime. For instance my GRE math score was above 95% of test takers' scores. I have taught Middle school, High school and under-graduate students in Algebra, Geometry, Trigonometry, Quadratic Equations, Applied Probability and Calculus.


Type Subject Issued-By Level Year
Degree City Planning Kansas State University MRCP 2002
Degree Engineering Anna University ME 2000
Degree Business Administration Loyola Institute of Business PGDBA 1998
Degree Civil Engineering Institution of Engineers BE 1994

Jared J

Teaching Style

I love to tutor and work with students of all ages. Every student has their own learning style that must be found to help the student efficiently and substantially. I want to provide the best education possible by learning about the student and finding the best way to display topics to them. Every student already possesses the potential to succeed in any academic field; they just need great teachers, good study partners, great learning environments, and many learning experiences. I try to present material in a fashion that will hold the students interest and I also like to use visual aids. Learning must be made fun for the student for them to absorb the greatest amount of knowledge that they can!

Experience Summary

Throughout my education I have been driven to achieve academic excellence by applying myself the best that I can. I have obtained a bachelors degree in science with a major in biology and a minor in chemistry; this has given me an outstanding understanding in many areas of mathematics and the sciences. I have also learned research skills and great biological writing skills from my research, laboratory reports, and various other essays during my studies. During the last two years I have tutored students in physics, organic chemistry, biochemistry, immunology, and calculus.


Type Subject Issued-By Level Year
Degree Biology Major / Chemistry Minor Saint Leo University BS 2008
Other Laboratory Assistant Saint Leo University College 2008
Other Physics Tutor Saint Leo University College 2007
Other Organic Chemistry Tutor Saint Leo University College 2007

Boris B

Teaching Style

I believe that excellence in teaching comes from the teacher's adaptation to student's specific needs. In particular, for some students, visualization may be the essential component for them to understand a certain concept or an idea in mathematics, and by furnishing examples and various proofs with pictures enables the student to learn the concept, whereas for other students it may be the algebraic equation that allows them to see a certain idea. In the first couple of sessions, I probe for the specific needs of the student and then am able to connect with that student so that he/she feels comfortable with the subject. I am a patient teacher and believe that all students are able to grasp the subject. I teach in a disciplined manner, so that the topic presented is coherent and follows a logical flow. I make sure that the theoretical concepts are internalized in a concrete example for the student. Above all, I carry a positive disposition wherever I go and encourage students to enjoy math.

Experience Summary

I am a graduate of GaTech, with a Math and Psychology BA degrees. Aside from my two majors I have minors in Philosophy and Cognitive Science. During my years of high school and college, I have tutored students in Mathematics -- be it in calculus or statistics, or the math portion of the SAT. At the moment I work part-time at the Korean after school program, called Daekyo America Inc., as a math instructor for both high school and middle school. I have participated in various Mathematical Competitions, and have won numerous awards, including the Grand Prize Winner in USAMTS (United States Mathematical Talent Search).


Type Subject Issued-By Level Year
Degree Applied Mathematics GaTech Bachelors 2004
Degree Psychology GaTech BA 2004

Elaine E

Teaching Style

Since I have a degree in special education and ESL, I have used many different methods of teaching. As a teacher I see myself as a facilitator. I want my students to be in charge of their learning, not me. I often ask a student “leading questions” instead of just giving them the answer. I also consider the audience when I am teaching. I ask myself...Are they familiar with our customs or not? Do they know our idioms or not?

Experience Summary

I have a MS in Varying Exceptionalities. I also have 18 hrs of ESL. Currently, I am working on 18 hrs of English. I have taught pre-school through adults. I have taught many different kinds of students. I have taught international students, ESL students, and native speakers of English. I have worked in pre-schools, public schools, private schools, language schools, and colleges. I have tutored many different kinds of students from foster children to adults.


Type Subject Issued-By Level Year
Certification ESL Nova Southeastern University 18 hours 2002
Other St. of Fl. Teaching Cert. State of Fl K-12 2000
Degree Special ED Nova Southeastern University MA 1999

Jessa J

Teaching Style

I teach hands-on with many demonstrations and hands-on activities. I have been told by some of my past students that I made science fun for them and that science used to be their worst subject, but with me as their teacher they found it to be their favorite subject.

Experience Summary

I have been tutoring math and sciences since I have been a senior in college. Most recently I have worked tutoring math and science as a personal tutor in the LA area. I have also taught Biology and Earth sciences at East High School in Salt Lake City, UT for a year, and 2 years at New Community Jewish High School in West Hills, CA teaching anatomy and physiology and Chemistry.


Type Subject Issued-By Level Year
Degree Biomedical Sciences University of Colorado M.S. 2004
Degree Education Rochville University M.A. 2004
Degree Biology University of Kansas B.S. 2000

A Word From Previous Students and Parents

Stacey F.

Phoenix, AZ

My daughter worked with Chad Bemis on Calculus and it was a complete success. We think she ended up with an A in the class and we are awaiting the AP scores however she feels she got a minimum of a 3 on the AP test. This is amazing considering that ...


Marilyn P.

Lighthouse Point, FL

I just wanted to tell you how great Danny’s tutor is. He loves her and is responding extremely well to her teaching. He told his mother it only seems like he’s with her 10 minutes! That surely tells it all. He’s reading at home and his mom notice...


Deb, M.

Celebration, FL

Elle met with Randy and it went extremely well. Elle learned a great deal from Randy and looks forward to continuing to work with him.

Tutoring in Other Connecticut Metropolitan Areas