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High School Tutors

Band practice, soccer games, French club, dual enrollment, volunteering, study groups…the life of a high school student is never ending and neither is that of their parents. High school is a crucial time in everyone’s life. Most students tend to take on more than they can mentally and physically handle, but want to prove they can do it. As a parent, when you see the signs of your student struggling, do not wait until it’s too late. A simple call to hire a tutor now can make all the difference later. A tutor well versed in working with high school students understands these students are juggling a lot and they have ways to help the student stay focused, organized, well-prepared, and achieve their academic goals. Contact us today to learn more.

Our Tutoring Service

We offer our clients choice when searching for a tutor, and we work with you all the way through the selection process. When you choose to work with one of our tutors, expect quality, professionalism, and experience. We will never offer you a tutor that is not qualified in the specific subject area you request. We will provide you with the degrees, credentials, and certifications each selected tutor holds so that you have the same confidence in them that we do. And for your peace of mind, we conduct a nation-wide criminal background check, sexual predator check and social security verification on every single tutor we offer you. We will find you the right tutor so that you can find success!

Here Are Some Of Our Tutor Profiles

Darlene D

Teaching Style

Much of my job includes mentoring new employees. Although I enjoy working with adults, I find it much more interesting to work with younger people. I would like the opportunity to tutor another student who is struggling with math. I have found that most students I have helped just needed some individual attention, and a safe place to ask questions that they would not ask in the classroom setting.

Experience Summary

I have worked in the Computer Science field since 1985 when I first started working for the US Space Program. During that time, I earned my BS and MS degrees, and am currently working on the Doctorate in Business with Applied Computer Science. During the last four years, I have tutored a student in mathematics, ranging from basic Algebra to College Calculus. During that time, the student received all A's. Since this student is moving on to a University out of the area, I will no longer be working with him; therefore I am looking forward to helping other students.


Type Subject Issued-By Level Year
Degree Business with Applied Computer Sci Northcentral University Doctorate 2009
Degree Computer Science Webster University Masters 2004
Degree Business Administration Univ of Central Florida BS 1992

Ashley A

Teaching Style

First and foremost, I believe it is important to establish a trusting relationship with those you teach. Throughout my experiences in the field of education, I have found the most fruitful of those relationships to be those in which I was able to work with a student or group of students regularly over an extended period of time to develop a routine and a strong relationship in which great amounts of learning and understanding could be accomplished. Although many people experience obstacles in learning Mathematics, I believe that by presenting multiple ways to approach a problem, every student can find a method that works for them. Every student should be allowed the resources and opportunity to realize that they CAN achieve their goals. I am here to help students who have had difficulty with Math in the past to succeed, and feel confident in both their abilities in Math, and in life.

Experience Summary

As a student, I was always committed to learning and to achieving my goals. As a teacher and tutor, I strive to help others share the same love for learning and for understanding as I do. Now, I help others set goals, and work toward achieving them. I have worked with all ages, all ability levels, and various sized groups and have enjoyed each and every experience. In the past, I have primarily tutored in the subject of Mathematics, but am also trained by the Literacy Council to tutor reading and writing, and have enjoyed volunteering with that organization as well. I believe that I can help anyone enjoy and understand math, and help them feel better about themselves for it.


Type Subject Issued-By Level Year
Degree Mathematics UNC Chapel Hill BA 2005

Andrea A

Teaching Style

I have a passion for learning, both as a teacher and a student. As a mother of a blended family of seven children, I am also very well versed in the uniqueness of children. Coupled with my diverse background, experience and training, I tailor my efforts to fit the specific needs of each individual child. I also believe that everyone has a preferred learning style and I work to discover those strengths within my students to ensure greater success. I also make a concerted effort to provide interactive lessons that engage the child's imagination in meaningful ways so that their progress is long-lasting. I believe that mistakes are natural, and that they often offer the most significant learning opportunities. With this in mind, my students and I form a warm working relationship in which we learn from one another. I believe every person is an "expert" in something and it is my goal to uncover that for my students and to foster self-confidence and independence as a learner for life. I am passionate about children and about learning, and I consider it an honor to have the opportunity to make a different in a child's life through education and inspiration.

Experience Summary

I love education and I believe it shows in my training. Having first obtained a BA in Studio Art and Psychology, I then went on to attain a Masters degree in social work. I worked with families and children for close to 10 years in this capacity. Through this, my respect for diversity and its effect on learning was deepened. Over time, my desire to inspire children more directly "on the front line" led me to go into teaching. I achieved my Masters degree in Early Childhood Education and worked with preschoolers, special needs students and as a 2nd and 3rd grade classroom teacher. When the first of my four children were born, the many joyful hours I spent reading to them led to my pursuit of certification as a reading specialist. As my family grew, I worked as a substitute reading teacher, and volunteered as a reading assistant in my local schools, from which I was able to hone my assessment skills as well. In this, I also gained insight into the critical importance of reading across the curriculum. Thus, my focus as a tutor switched to reading over the past two years. I also conduct workshops for preschool parents and teachers on developing prereading skills through play. I have been able to use self-created materials to help parents and teachers work with diverse populations. My writing and editing skills have been extended through 15 years (and ongoing) of at-home work as a medical transcriptionist/editor for the leading pediatric hospital in Boston.


Type Subject Issued-By Level Year
Certification Teacher of Reading Salem State College Full Program 2002
Other Guided Reading Lesley College Institute 1999
Degree Early Childhood Education Salem State College Masters 1995
Degree Social work Boston University Masters 1987
Degree Psychology and Studio Art Boston College B.A. 1982

Gregory G

Teaching Style

I believe the true way to teach is to make a connection for each student: relate the material to something the student already knows. A more “hands-on” approach will allow the student to learn faster with greater retention. I feel that every student has the ability to learn, and that it is the teacher’s job to provide each student with the connection. In today’s age, classrooms have become over-crowded thus making it more difficult for the teacher to make that connection. It is the job of the tutor to fill in the gaps. With this theory, I try to use my experience in the work field to relate the subject matter to the student’s surroundings – hence math and science are my forte. I work well with children by making learning fun, but also have the knowledge of complex problems to provide the same environment for high school and college students.

Experience Summary

As a child of an Air Force pilot, I have always loved aviation. I strived hard in school to get the best grades to one day become a “Rocket Scientist” and design the plane of the future. In high school I was known for my good grades, and passed on my knowledge by tutoring my fellow classmates and students in earlier grades. After high school, I graduated from one of the top Aerospace schools in the country, and went on to work for a few companies: two small businesses and a large government contractor. I have completed many diverse programs successfully. When talking with friends about my career endeavors, I found myself giving more of a teaching course on how stuff works (e.g. planes, missiles, GPS, etc). I have since realized my passion for teaching, and that tutoring allows me to obtain both goals in my life: teaching and engineering.


Type Subject Issued-By Level Year
Degree Aerospace Engineering Cal Poly State University, SLO BS 2003

John J

Teaching Style

I am convinced, partly because of my own experiences, that the current educational system best serves the needs of the average student. I also believe that it seldom addresses the needs of those students whose learning style is not a good fit with the one size fits all educational system. This may be for a wide variety of reasons, but the result is that the student is left without the needed skill set to compete and what’s worse, left with the message that they are responsible for "not getting it" and are inferior or stupid in some respect. I nearly flunked junior high pre-algebra, and was a mediocre math student in high school. I eventually managed to teach myself, and have subsequently scored 800 on the math section of the GRE and was one of about 50/15000 to score a perfect 15 on the quantitative section of the medical college admission test (MCAT). What is wrong with this picture? My own take is that we all have different styles of optimal learning, and what’s more, are often hindered by simple roadblocks that only 1:1 teaching can identify and redress. I am very passionate about finding the approach that clicks, and building back the esteem that comes with mastery of the subject material.

Experience Summary

Prior to entering graduate and later medical school, I tutored a variety of subjects in the area of mathematics and science. As a PhD candidate, one of the requirements was to assist in teaching the physiology labs, and as an advanced candidate, was given the opportunity to give lectures in physiology to medical and nursing students. Most recently I have been an unpaid volunteer on the on-line physics forum where advanced high school and college students can go on line for assistance with their homework. Because of my career selection, I have had to take many standardized examinations and am quite adept at these. I believe I can help other aspiring students achieve the higher scores needed for acceptance in programs of their choice.


Type Subject Issued-By Level Year
Degree Medicine University of Utah MD 1988
Degree General science and math Univ Nevada, Reno BS 1980

Sharon S

Teaching Style

I love teaching and working with young people of all ages and abilities. It is my belief that all students have the ability to learn, so they can succeed and gain the confidence in their abilities. In order to help children reach their highest potential, I believe that each one should be given personalized and individualized instruction that is based on their given abilities and skills. I am a patient, helpful, and kind person. Over the years, I have become flexible in the way I teach as each child learns differently and deserves the needed respect to help them reach their dreams and goals.

Experience Summary

As a graduate from Briar Cliff College, I have always enjoyed learning and wanting to help others succeed. I have earned a BA degree in Elementary Education, in which I have taught in the classroom for 2 years, but have also taught at a learning center for a total of 5 years. While in college, I participated in the AmeriCorps tutoring program, in which I privately tutored a few students, along with students in a school setting during the day. Recently, I have been privately tutoring a high school student and a kindergartener mainly for math, reading, English, and writing.


Type Subject Issued-By Level Year
Other PK-12 Special Education Assistant License with Special Needs children Capable current
Certification Teacher Assistant Professional Institute AA 2003
Degree Elementary Education Briar Cliff College BA 2000

Arthur A

Teaching Style

I try to cultivate a student's curiosity, and then provide the necessary tools for learning. If students are curious and driven to learn, their potential is limitless. My goal is to help students learn through discovery. I am patient, considerate, and respectful of each student.

Experience Summary

While studying for my BA in English (Emphasis in Literature), I worked for two years as a writing tutor at the Hagan Writing Center. Tutoring was offered as a free service for interested students. (For some students, it was required). I tutored students at all levels from pre-College Writing to senior level literature courses. I completed work for my degree at three different colleges and universities in the United States and England, and I feel that the different teaching and learning methods I have seen have prepared me to be a more effective English tutor.


Type Subject Issued-By Level Year
Degree English Union College BA 2003

Megan M

Teaching Style

I love to teach students that want to learn. I have a lot of experience building confidence along with building basic skills. I believe that everyone is capable of succeeding in math and science classes, and will work to teach the child how to believe in their abilities in these subject areas. I teach through examples, and tend to ask a lot of questions, making the student come up with the answer on their own. I believe that the best way to learn is to do, and once I explain a concept, we work examples until the subject is mastered.

Experience Summary

I have been working as a tutor at the college level throughout my college experience. I worked both for the local community college and for my self as a private tutor. I earned two bachelor degrees, a BS in chemistry with an emphasis in physical chemistry, and a BS in math with an emphasis in applied mathematics. I work in the TRIO center, which has allowed me an opportunity to tutor writing and English students as well as science and math. I can tutor math through calculus, chemistry, physics, and writing.


Type Subject Issued-By Level Year
Degree Chemistry University of Oregon BS 2006
Degree Mathematics University of Oregon BS 2006
Certification CRLA tutoring Lane Community College II 2004

A Word From Previous Students and Parents

Megan G.

Tampa, FL

I was extremely impressed with Patti on Tuesday, September 9. She was competely prepared for me and had looked over the assignments I sent her and made study cards as well as sheets that I could use. I would highly recommend her based on our first se...


Stacey F.

Phoenix, AZ

My daughter worked with Chad Bemis on Calculus and it was a complete success. We think she ended up with an A in the class and we are awaiting the AP scores however she feels she got a minimum of a 3 on the AP test. This is amazing considering that ...


Dorota M

Clearwater, FL

I wanted to let you know that Lisa Johnson did an outstanding job with Julian and we see his grades going up. I would strongly recommend her to anyone looking for a tutor in chemistry or math.

Tutoring in Other Connecticut Metropolitan Areas