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Math Tutors

Math Tutors

Need a math tutor today? Waiting to get extra help in math only compounds the problem. Success in math begins with our experienced math tutors. We have professional tutors available to assist you with any math course…simply contact us to get started.

Building math skills will build math confidence. Grasping difficult math concepts is so much easier with our qualified and compassionate tutors. Whether the struggle is with fractions or quadratic equations we have just the right tutor to meet your needs. One on one instruction means the teaching goes at the student’s pace and is tailored to the student’s specific needs. Private tutoring means a student can return to the classroom with confidence!

Working with our math tutors means that you or your student will get undivided attention from an experienced and qualified mathematics instructor. Our math tutors know how to pinpoint the weak math skills and personalize the instruction to improve those skills quickly and effectively. Contact us to find a math tutor today!

High School Tutors

“High school isn’t what is used to be.” High school students are inundated with grades, sports, work, volunteering, activities, and sometimes a little old fashioned teenage fun. Most students tend to take on more than they can mentally and physically handle, but want to prove they can do it. When a high school student shows signs of struggling it is important to get them the help they need as soon as possible. If your high school student begins wondering where they left their books, complaining they don’t have enough time to study, exclaiming the teacher isn’t fair, begins to say they just don’t understand or it’s too complicated, it’s time. It’s time to call for help. A simple call to hire a tutor now can make all the difference later. A tutor well versed in working with high school students understands these students are juggling a lot and they have ways to help the student stay focused, organized, well-prepared, and achieve their academic goals. Call or email us to day and we will help you find the right tutor for your student

Our Tutoring Service

We believe that the most effective tutoring occurs when you have the undivided attention of a highly qualified and experienced tutor by your side. Our exceptional tutors are not only experienced and educated, but are experts in their field and passionate about teaching others. We will always provide you with a tutor specifically qualified and experienced in the subject matter you need. And for your peace of mind, we conduct a nation-wide criminal background check, sexual predator check and social security verification on every single tutor we offer you. Before you invest money and time into tutoring sessions, be sure you have selected the right tutor for you.

Here Are Some Of Our Math Tutor Profiles

Herbert H

Teaching Style

The teaching style I use is completely dependent on the particular student being taught. I'm a big fan of the adage 'Give a man a fish, and he will eat for a day. Teach a man to fish, and he will eat for the rest of his life'. My objective is to teach a child not only the material, but how they best learn so that they can teach themselves. I enjoy using applicable references that are relevant to the child so that they will more easily grasp the concepts. I believe a personalized approach works best.

Experience Summary

I have earned a bachelor's degree in Computer Engineering with a software focus along with a Sales Engineering minor. I was 3 credit hours away from both my Math and Business minors. In the last 5 years, I have tutored students in Basic Math, Algebra 1 and 2, Geometry, Calculus, Visual Basic, Physics, and Differential Equations. I have taught math for the past 4 years at the Professional Academies Magnet at Loften High School in the subjects of Algebra I, Algebra I Honors, Geometry, Geometry Honors, Algebra II, Algebra II Honors, Statistics, Mathematics for College Readiness, and Liberal Arts Math.


Type Subject Issued-By Level Year
Other Mathematics Professional Academies Magnet 9-12 2007-current
Other Tutor Starke Church of God by Faith 9-12 2005-2007
Degree Computer Engineering University of Florida BA 2004

Jennifer J

Teaching Style

I enjoy working with a student one-on-one. We know that every child develops on a different learning curve, which is why the tutoring process is so crucial. Working individually with a child can help them overcome some of the frustration and confusion that comes along with learning in a crowded classroom. I have a great amount of patience and understanding to help the child develop his own learning style and guide him to work through the problems at his own pace to ensure that he truly understands the material. Learning is a step by step process and I know that I can guide each child through the steps they need to take to complete any and all challenges they may face, not just in school, but in life.

Experience Summary

I began tutoring algebra when I was in high school for my boss' kids in the back of the restaurant where I worked. I then went on to get my BA in mathematics at La Salle University, with a minor in Education. While in college, I continued tutoring my fellow students in math and chemistry for a peer tutoring program set up by the school. In addition I observed/student taught at various schools in the Philadelphia area. I have knowledge of a wide range of mathematics, my specialty being algebra and calculus. Due to my experience, I am also proficient in English and can assist in research paper writing.


Type Subject Issued-By Level Year
Degree Mathematics La Salle University Bachelor's 2007

Janet J

Teaching Style

I enjoy teaching; it is my best talent. I understand that math is not a "favorite subject" to a lot of students. Working one on one in a tutoring situation gets past the negative block students have in a math classroom. Several of my private students have worked with me for several years. Their parents said that they felt more confident in the class room and in testing situations because of their work with me. In addition to tutoring in traditional school math subjects, I have also worked with several students on PSAT and SAT preparation. All of these students achieved a higher score on these tests after working with me one on one.

Experience Summary

I taught 34 years with the Guilford County School System, in Greensboro, NC. I retired in June 2007, and was asked to fill 2 interim positions in the Spring and Fall semesters of 2008. I taught all courses from general math through Honors Pre-calculus. I have been privately tutoring at home for the last 7 or 8 years, to supplement my income.


Type Subject Issued-By Level Year
Degree Secondary Mathematics University of NC-Greensboro BS 1972

Karen K

Teaching Style

I am conscience of the student’s weaknesses and abilities. My tutoring methods allow the student to fully understand their topic without getting frustrated with them self. I can adapt to their learning abilities and offer them the best approach to soak up the information.

Experience Summary

I have earned a bachelor degree in Mathematics from the University of South Florida and am nearing completion of my MBA with Western Governors University. During my BA I assisted peers in my class with their assignments and test preparation. Outside of school I tutor a high school student one-on-one for a half year in algebra. Since my BA I've been working on my MBA and will be completing the degree over the next few months. My profession requires me to teach adults how to use computer software in use as well as CAD design.


Type Subject Issued-By Level Year
Degree MBA Western Governors University 1 Semester from Completion 2009
Degree Mathematics University of South Florida BA 2005

Veronica V

Teaching Style

I love teaching and the reward that it brings. I am a step-by-step oriented teacher. I've had many students return saying how my style of teaching continues to help them in their current studies. In my 14 years of experience, I've learned that many students learn with many different styles. I believe that every child can learn; however, the teacher must reach them at their level. If I have a good understanding of where the student is academically, I can help them to grow academically.

Experience Summary

I've taught middle school for 14 years. My goal in becoming a teacher was to reach those students who had, somehow, fallen through the cracks of education. I taught at a drop-out-prevention school for 7 years. During those years, my student scores continuously rose. I taught 7th and 9th grade at this school. I transferred to a different middle school where I taught 6th & 7th grade for two years and the remaining five years, I taught Pre-Algebra and Algebra 1. I began to tutor after school during my first year to struggling students. I was also listed on the school boards list of tutors. I also worked at an after-school program. During these years, I tutored second graders and up to mathematical levels of geometry, Algebra 1 and Algebra II.


Type Subject Issued-By Level Year
Certification Mathematics In-service grades 5-8 current
Degree Mathematics Education Florida State University BS 1993

Noah N

Teaching Style

I like to break down whatever skill I'm teaching in the simplest form at first. This means explaining the concept of the skill in a way that the student can understand what it is we are trying to do. I also try to use a pictorial representation of the skill if that is needed. After that I'll show them how I work a problem with that particular skill so they can see firsthand what the thought process is and the steps that are needed to use that particular skill whether it is adding fractions or solving equations, etc. Then I'll give the student a problem to do on their own while I guide them through the steps. If they get off on a particular step I'll correct them immediately and get them on the right path. Once I feel they understand what is going on and how to work a problem, I'll give them a problem to do without me watching them and see if they can get the answer right by themselves. Then I'll correct the problem and if they got the answer right, great, and if they got it wrong I'll then analyze which step the student made their mistake on and we'll work to correct it.

Experience Summary

I received my BS degree in Math Education in Spring of 2001 at Florida State University. While at FSU I worked in the Math Help Center for three months. I taught math for two years and decided to choose a different career path in Actuarial Mathematics. I am currently finishing my master's degree at Florida State University. For two years I tutored math at all levels at Sylvan Learning Center in Tallahassee. In that time I learned different things related to presenting the math in a way that can be understood regardless of the level of the student. Mostly I focus on explaining the most important steps of a particular skill and then guiding the student to developing their understanding of that skill.


Type Subject Issued-By Level Year
Degree Math Education Florida State University BS 2001

Tammy T

Teaching Style

I love teaching in an environment where the student is made to feel comfortable and that their efforts are rewarded and appreciated. I like to provide my students with as many tools as possible to make sure they get the most thorough understanding of a particular concept. Often times I use hands-on materials, one-on-one settings, and technology based instruction. One person at a time helping one student at a time can make the difference.

Experience Summary

I began tutoring before I began teaching. I have always had a passion for seeing students become successful math students. In the last three years I have tutored over 20 students privately in the areas of reading for grades K-5 and in mathematics from kindergarten to Algebra through Trigonometry. In addition to my tutoring experience I have branched into teaching basic math courses at the college level. I feel that my experience working in community based tutoring groups and structured programs are a great asset.


Type Subject Issued-By Level Year
Certification Middle Grades Mathematics - GA GA Professional Standards Commission 4-8 2006-2010
Degree Secondary Education-Math Piedmont College M.A 2004
Degree Consumer Economics University of Georgia BS 1997

Timothy T

Teaching Style

When I tutor a student, I seek first to understand the student and how he/she thinks. I find it is very important to have good rapport and communication with the student so I understand how he/she views the subject and the difficulties of it. Next I try to make "conceptual bridges" from what they know to what they are having difficulty understanding. This process usually teaches me about seeing the subject from a new point of view. I try to achieve a fine balance between guiding and directing the student’s thoughts on the topic with following the student in their own line of thinking of the subject. The student needs to learn to have confidence in his own thoughts on the subject and in his own ability to master it.

Experience Summary

Over the past four years, I have tutored high school and middle school students in math, algebra, calculus, chemistry, SAT Math, and general study skills. My preference is to tutor math, algebra, calculus, physics, physical science, chemistry, and programming. Math is the subject for which I have the greatest passion. I also participate in the homeschooling of four of my children (13, 11, 8, 6). I have mentored my 13 yr old son in Algebra I & II, Chemistry, Elementary Math, and Middle-school Physical Science, and taught elementary math to my 11, 8, and 6 year olds. Additionally, I read and review history lessons to my kids. I completed my MS in Electrical Engineering in 2006 from The University of Texas at Arlington and my BS in Electrical Engineering and a BA in Philosophy from Rice University. I have recent experience as a student having completed Cellular Biology II at St. Petersburg College in Fall 2011.


Type Subject Issued-By Level Year
Degree Electrical Engineering Univ. of Texas - Arlington Masters 2006
Certification Design for Six Sigma Honeywell International DFSS - Green Belt 2003
Degree Electrical Engineering Rice University BSEE 1989
Degree Philosophy Rice University BA 1989

A Word From Previous Students and Parents

Julie G.

Windermere, FL

I would highly recommend Will to other parents. He is efficient knowledgeable and caring and has proved to be a real inspiration to Alexander. Thankyou.

Kelley W.

Clearwater, FL

I wanted to thank you very much for the service you provide. Jason was a HUGE help to Jeremy. He was finally able to pass the class! It really helped him in more ways than you know to be able to be successful. Thank you to your company and to Jason!

Robyn E.

Tampa, FL

Tutoring with Arthur is going great. Sarah likes his teaching style.