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Biochemistry Tutors


Is having to understand both the living world and the chemical world of Biochemistry causing you stress? Our Biochem tutors are experts at both and will help you understand the structure and function of cellular components like proteins, lipids, carbohydrates, and nucleic acids. We have experienced and friendly Biochemistry tutors available to help you with amino acids, DNA, cycles, and metabolism. If you are struggling with Biochemistry, just give us a call, we can help!

Elementary Tutors

The basic learning blocks of every child's education are built in elementary school. It is here that a life long love for learning is fostered. The fundamental reading, writing, and math skills are introduced to your child for the first time in elementary school. In order to be successful, elementary students need to master basic listening and study skills. Elementary school should be a positive, nurturing environment where children are introduced to learning.

Gainesville Tutors

As the birthplace of one of our company’s founders, Gainesville is one of our favorite places to help students. As a city with students of all ages, we have cultivated an elite group of tutors to help students with any subject necessary. Our highly customized service means that you determine exactly who your tutor will be, where the tutoring will take place, and for how long. We have been providing tutoring services to Gainesville students for many, many successful years. Our reputation as a premium service is evident in the hundreds of testimonials we have received from parents, students, and schools in Gainesville and the surrounding communities. Go Gators!

Our Tutoring Service

We believe that the most effective tutoring occurs when you have the undivided attention of a highly qualified and experienced tutor by your side. Our exceptional tutors are not only experienced and educated, but are experts in their field and passionate about teaching others. We will always provide you with a tutor specifically qualified and experienced in the subject matter you need. And for your peace of mind, we conduct a nation-wide criminal background check, sexual predator check and social security verification on every single tutor we offer you. Before you invest money and time into tutoring sessions, be sure you have selected the right tutor for you.

Here Are Some Of Our Biochemistry Tutor Profiles

Stuart S

Teaching Style

As a product of top-notch education I feel that I have become intimately familiar with effective teaching styles and have thereby tried to replicate the best of these styles. I would describe my teaching style as adaptive because I feel a certain teaching style that works for one student may be inadequate for another student. For this reason I strive to first determine how a particular student learns and subsequently derive an action plan. For example, if a student seems to retain information from a book or other types of visual material but not from a teacher's lecture I would deem that student to be a more visual based learner. In such a scenario, I would approach the student in a visual based manner through animations, practice problems, and other visual material. On the other hand, if the student was found to be a more auditory-based learner that student may benefit from descriptive metaphors or a verbal walk through of sample problems.

Experience Summary

As a graduate of Bucknell University and the prestigious Mercersburg Academy, I gained a strong affinity for education and thereby providing quality learning experiences for others. While at the Mercersburg Academy I earned a 700 math score and a 680 verbal score on my SATs. At Bucknell I earned a bachelor's of science degree in biochemistry and cell biology while gaining extensive experience in chemistry, biology, psychology, physics, math, and scientific research. I have also gained extensive writing experience in the form of research papers, lab reports, and numerous other classes at both Bucknell and Mercersburg that required a plethora of writing. During the past year I served as an Honors and Accelerated Chemistry teacher at the esteemed Worcester Academy while tutoring biology, physics, and chemistry students during the evenings.


Type Subject Issued-By Level Year
Other Honors Chemistry Teacher Worcester Academy Upper School 2007-present
Other Science Tutor Worcester Academy Upper School 2007-present
Degree Cell Biology and Biochemistry Bucknell University BS 2007

Miriam M

Teaching Style

I like to figure out whether a student learns best by words, diagrams and pictures, or analogy. I enjoy finding ways to simplify things and help someone else learn. In addition to all the teaching I've done at the graduate level, I've also helped my two children with homework when needed for the past 20 years.

Experience Summary

I have been teaching and doing research in chemistry, biology, and genetics for many years. I am an avid tutor and teacher for all sciences. As with all laboratory sciences I have written many research papers; therefore, I am confident I can also assist students with writing papers and essays.


Type Subject Issued-By Level Year
Degree Molecular Genetics U. Cincinnati PhD 1990
Degree Pathology U Toronto MS 1984
Degree Biochemistry U Toronto BS 1980

Diana D

Teaching Style

Having a minor in psychology, as well as the wonderful teachers I had been exposed to over the years, has helped me to recognize that each student had a unique learning style. I attempt to discover this style, which usually happens within one lesson, and focus in on proper teaching methods to cater to this style. I am very patient and have worked with various levels of skill and ability to intake information. I love hands on activities where possible (sciences mainly) and have a multitude of visual examples for many subjects. I hope to inspire my students to want to learn a subject they once thought was "pointless" or "boring".

Experience Summary

I began tutoring when I was in middle school. Our school designed a program where honors students were paired with students they believed to be at risk for dropping out of school before they graduated high school. I tutored one specific student for 2 years and continued to mentor him through high school. After this program I realized I loved working one-on-one with people who were truly struggling with education. I have always known education was extremely important to my own success and I wanted to help others gain knowledge towards their own goals. I tutored through college and still continue to do so. My education has given me insight into many levels of math and science as well as recognizing how to write on a scientific level due to laboratory analysis. Due to this ability to express math and science on a basic level it aides in explaining it to others who do not have a firm grasp on the topic at hand. I have tutored the following subjects at a high school level: chemistry (regular through AP), biology (up to the AP level), linear functions, calculus, statistics, physics (up to AP), algebra I & II, and trigonometry. At a college level I have tutored: chemistry, organic chemistry, biology, molecular biology, cellular biology, statistics (at the request of the professor), physics, biomedical physics, public health, anatomy, and trigonometry.


Type Subject Issued-By Level Year
Degree Biomedical Sciences Univeristy of south Florida BS 2007
Other Chemistry Univeristy of South Florida Minor 2007
Other Biomedical Physics Univeristy of South Florida Minor 2007
Other Psychology Univeristy of South Florida Minor 2007

Roberto R

Teaching Style

The thinking and learning processes were always intriguing to me. I am very inquisitive and cannot stop until I understand how things tick. However, patience and comprehension are certainly big parts of me as a person. This is why tutoring is a very fulfilling experience. Being part of how young and/or elder people improve not only their analytical and cognitive skills, but also their self esteem is so satisfying. The latter, is most likely what will help them to face and deal with future academic, and personal problems. Besides, tutoring not only helps people individually, but eventually, it helps to improve society as a whole.

Experience Summary

As my parents always told me, I believe that education is a transcendent part of everybody's lives. I have earned a BS in Biochemical Engineering, and almost a BS in Apply Mathematics, at Rutgers University. Since I was in my native country I had a very clear goal in mind. I wanted to get a broader level of education, than just simply assuring a future professional career. In order to achieve that I decided to pursue my studies in a different country. This came along with a language that I had to learn and a different educational system. I complemented the science core of my bachelors with Philosophy, Cognitive Psychology and Anthropology among others. I always tutored either Math or Spanish while my school years, but when I was senior, the School of Engineering selected me as a tutor for incoming engineering students. Chemistry and Calculus were the main topics, but later I also helped with Physics and Computer Science.


Type Subject Issued-By Level Year
Degree Biochemical Engineer Rutgers University BS 2005

Purvesh P

Teaching Style

I vary my teaching style depending on the student's particular disposition. I normally allow them to dictate the pace at which I tutor without digressing from our objective. Nonetheless, my goal is to be positive impact on the student. I love to help students get to a level they did not expect they could achieve, and in the same token, I am appreciative when I am humbled by challenging problems for which I have no solution. However, when faced with such a situation, I guide the student in an appropriate direction, and let them know that I will use my own resources to discover a solution and then get back to them. Without question, my style is synonymous to what computer users refer to good programs as, "user-friendly." I am patient with my tutees and steady in my demeanor so that I can gain and hold their confidence.

Experience Summary

I have been tutoring since my sophomore year at Rutgers University. I hold the College Reading and Learning Association Level II (CRLA) certification. I tutored Mathematics (Pre-Calculus, Calculus), Chemistry, and Physics to undergraduate students at the university. I have since tutored students in these disciplines at various levels, such as middle school and high school. I have also tutored adults in the area of Information Technology, subjects such as Introduction to Programming, Web Design, and Database Design, while studying for my IT Certification. I have since attained an MS degree in Computer Science at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute and have been working in the IT industry for the past 4 years. I continue to enjoy tutoring and teaching others; be it students, co-workers, or family members. I feel a tremendous sense of satisfaction when I see others succeed and know that I have played a part in their growth.


Type Subject Issued-By Level Year
Degree Computer Science Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute MS 2002
Certification Information Technology Devry University Post Baccalaureate Diploma 2001
Degree Biochemistry Rutgers University BS 1999

Melissa M

Teaching Style

I believe the keys to teaching any student, young or old, are patience and encouragement. I find that when I demonstrate a pleasant, usually fun, and encouraging environment for my students, they tend to thrive. There has not been a more fulfilling experience for me than to effectively teach a child something that they did not initially have the confidence to learn. My goal is to not only teach them the required material, but to also introduce a learning experience that positively impacts their self-perception. If they believe they can learn anything, they will ultimately thrive in other experiences that require self-confidence, patience, and leadership. The bottom line is that I love to teach, because very few experiences grant me this opportunity.

Experience Summary

From January 2007 to December 2010, I had the significant opportunity to teach for Broward County Public Schools in various education settings ranging from Pre-K to 12th Grade. I have worked at the high school level as a Resource Teacher and Exceptional Student Education Support Facilitator creating Individual Education Plans and working with parents, specialists, and district employees to monitor students’ yearly progress. During the course of my studies in Biomedical Engineering, I gained extensive academic knowledge in Math, as well as Technical Report Writing, Essays, and Research Papers. I have been able to guide students in attaining academic success by tutoring them in various subjects such as Reading, Algebra, Geometry, Language Arts, and Science. My life experiences have also allotted me the opportunity to teach non-academic subjects such as Music Education, Musical Theatre, and Dance. I currently work for a nonprofit organization providing public service educational programs set forth by its mission. Tutoring allows me the flexible opportunity to engage in additional community projects and endeavors.


Type Subject Issued-By Level Year
Certification Middle Grades Integrated Curriculum Florida Department of Education Grades 6-8 June 2012
Certification Exceptional Student Ed Florida Department of Education K-12 June 2012
Certification Mathematics Florida Department of Education Grades 6-12 June 2012
Degree Biomedical Engineering Florida International University B.S. 2006
Other Substitute Teacher Training Broward Community College 14 hour course 2006

Lida L

Teaching Style

Education has been a strong theme in my life and I know every kid deserves to have the same opportunity that I have had in my life. Even though I don't have any professional teach training, I compelled to help those that I can, using what I have learned. Everyone has a different learning style, so I believe in being patient and finding a unique way to teach each child according to his style. I am very patient and understanding person, who is willing to do what it takes to make a difference it at least one child’s life.

Experience Summary

Having a Biochemistry degree, I am well trained in science classes. I was also required and excelled in math classes up to Calculus 3. Therefore, math and science are my strong points. I was a tutor for math and science in the Multi-Cultural Center at my community college for a year. I was also a Sunday school teacher at my church for kids ranging from the age of 8 to 13.


Type Subject Issued-By Level Year
Degree Biochemistry University of Illinois at Chicago BS 2007
Degree Science Moraine Valley Community College AS 2005

Jared J

Teaching Style

I love to tutor and work with students of all ages. Every student has their own learning style that must be found to help the student efficiently and substantially. I want to provide the best education possible by learning about the student and finding the best way to display topics to them. Every student already possesses the potential to succeed in any academic field; they just need great teachers, good study partners, great learning environments, and many learning experiences. I try to present material in a fashion that will hold the students interest and I also like to use visual aids. Learning must be made fun for the student for them to absorb the greatest amount of knowledge that they can!

Experience Summary

Throughout my education I have been driven to achieve academic excellence by applying myself the best that I can. I have obtained a bachelors degree in science with a major in biology and a minor in chemistry; this has given me an outstanding understanding in many areas of mathematics and the sciences. I have also learned research skills and great biological writing skills from my research, laboratory reports, and various other essays during my studies. During the last two years I have tutored students in physics, organic chemistry, biochemistry, immunology, and calculus.


Type Subject Issued-By Level Year
Degree Biology Major / Chemistry Minor Saint Leo University BS 2008
Other Laboratory Assistant Saint Leo University College 2008
Other Physics Tutor Saint Leo University College 2007
Other Organic Chemistry Tutor Saint Leo University College 2007

A Word From Previous Students and Parents

Kim S.

Hallandale, FL

We like Robert very much. I would recommend him.

Dorota M

Clearwater, FL

I wanted to let you know that Lisa Johnson did an outstanding job with Julian and we see his grades going up. I would strongly recommend her to anyone looking for a tutor in chemistry or math.

Roger R.

Montverde Academy, Montverde, FL

I have enjoyed our association with Advanced Learners because they have come through for us in meeting our tutoring needs many times in the past and our students have benefited greatly from their help and guidance.