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Our Tutoring Service

We believe that the most effective tutoring occurs when you have the undivided attention of a highly qualified and experienced tutor by your side. Our exceptional tutors are not only experienced and educated, but are experts in their field and passionate about teaching others. We will always provide you with a tutor specifically qualified and experienced in the subject matter you need. And for your peace of mind, we conduct a nation-wide criminal background check, sexual predator check and social security verification on every single tutor we offer you. Before you invest money and time into tutoring sessions, be sure you have selected the right tutor for you.

Here Are Some Of Our Tutor Profiles

Arthur A

Teaching Style

I try to cultivate a student's curiosity, and then provide the necessary tools for learning. If students are curious and driven to learn, their potential is limitless. My goal is to help students learn through discovery. I am patient, considerate, and respectful of each student.

Experience Summary

While studying for my BA in English (Emphasis in Literature), I worked for two years as a writing tutor at the Hagan Writing Center. Tutoring was offered as a free service for interested students. (For some students, it was required). I tutored students at all levels from pre-College Writing to senior level literature courses. I completed work for my degree at three different colleges and universities in the United States and England, and I feel that the different teaching and learning methods I have seen have prepared me to be a more effective English tutor.


Type Subject Issued-By Level Year
Degree English Union College BA 2003

Ashley A

Teaching Style

First and foremost, I believe it is important to establish a trusting relationship with those you teach. Throughout my experiences in the field of education, I have found the most fruitful of those relationships to be those in which I was able to work with a student or group of students regularly over an extended period of time to develop a routine and a strong relationship in which great amounts of learning and understanding could be accomplished. Although many people experience obstacles in learning Mathematics, I believe that by presenting multiple ways to approach a problem, every student can find a method that works for them. Every student should be allowed the resources and opportunity to realize that they CAN achieve their goals. I am here to help students who have had difficulty with Math in the past to succeed, and feel confident in both their abilities in Math, and in life.

Experience Summary

As a student, I was always committed to learning and to achieving my goals. As a teacher and tutor, I strive to help others share the same love for learning and for understanding as I do. Now, I help others set goals, and work toward achieving them. I have worked with all ages, all ability levels, and various sized groups and have enjoyed each and every experience. In the past, I have primarily tutored in the subject of Mathematics, but am also trained by the Literacy Council to tutor reading and writing, and have enjoyed volunteering with that organization as well. I believe that I can help anyone enjoy and understand math, and help them feel better about themselves for it.


Type Subject Issued-By Level Year
Degree Mathematics UNC Chapel Hill BA 2005

Redha R

Teaching Style

I teach by example and I am methodical. I show a student how to solve a problem by going very slowly and by following a sequence of steps. I make sure that the student follows understands each step before moving on to the next one. I then ask the student to solve almost the exact same problem (with a slight change in numbers for example)so that the student learns the method and how to solve the problem by herself/himself. I am very patient but expect the student to be willing to learn. I tell students that learning a subject matter is more important than getting an A in a class - this is because 1. if you learn, chances are you won't forget (at least for a long while) and 2. you will get a good grade as a result.

Experience Summary

I have been employed by the IBM corporation for the last 27 years. I held numerous positions in hardware development, software development, telecommunication network development, project management, solution architecture, performance analysis, and others. As much as I enjoy my job, I have passion in Mathematics. I develop new ideas related to my work and expand them into U.S. patents and external technical papers. I informally tutor family and friends attending high school or college. I was a Mathematics teaching assistant at the Univ. of Pittsburgh for 2 years and at the Univ. of Michigan at Ann Arbor for 3 years. I love teaching and sharing my knowledge with others. I have published numerous technical papers and hold numerous U.S. patents as well.


Type Subject Issued-By Level Year
Other Arabic Native speaker Fluent current
Other French Native speaker Fluent current
Degree Electrical Engineering Univeristy of Michigan P.h.D 1990
Degree Electrical Engineering and Mathematics University of Pittsburgh M.S. 1982
Degree Computer Science and Mathematics Univerisity of Pittsburgh B.S. 1980

Nigel N

Teaching Style

I believe that every child is capable of learning and that every child has their own style of learning. As a teacher, I believe in differentiated instruction that allows all students an equal opportunity to learn. I believe in teaching through student exploration. Once a child is able to discover a concept on their own, they are able to better understand and remember it. My approach to teaching is to expose students to practical problems. Once these problems are understood, I introduce a mathematical concept that should allow them to discover a solution to the problem. Throughout this approach, I’m always encouraging and patient. I always stress the importance of making an attempt at solving a problem, as in my favorite quote, “Without struggle, there is no progress.”

Experience Summary

During completion of my undergraduate degree in math, I always strived to achieve excellence in education and to pass on my love for learning. Throughout my college career, I’ve tutored at the undergraduate, the middle and the high school levels. Such exposure allowed me to determine the concepts students have the most difficulty in understanding, and I’m able to prepare accordingly. Upon completion of my degree, I accepted an analyst position with an HR Consulting firm. During these four years, I gained vital experience that allows me to transfer mathematical concepts into real world examples. Such experience has proven to be critical in helping students visualize practical examples of what they learn. I have since left the Consulting firm and entered into teaching. I’m finally doing what I enjoy the most, teaching and passing on a love for learning.


Type Subject Issued-By Level Year
Degree Mathematics Morehouse College BS 2001

Parth P

Teaching Style

In my own studies I have learned the importance of gaining a firm grasp of fundamental knowledge in order to apply it to situations that one has never encountered. This style of learning is at the forefront of science and mathematics. During tutoring, I make sure that the students have properly attained the fundamental knowledge and avoid teaching only how to solve specific problems or answer specific homework/test questions. By tutoring in this manner, students have had great success in solving problems or answering questions on midterms and final exams. Assisting students achieve mastery in applying basic concepts to unfamiliar situations is crucial in unlocking their potential as they do not have to "memorize" their way through college, especially when it comes to science and math courses.

Experience Summary

Having graduated as a Phi Beta Kappa Scholar from UNC-Chapel Hill, I have always achieved a level of excellence in education. I have earned two bachelor of science (B.S.) degrees in Biology and Chemistry. As a result of achieving mastery in these areas, I have tutored students in subjects such as Genetics, Biochemistry, Organic Chemistry, Physics and Calculus. Through tutoring, I have learned that it helps me enrich my own knowledge about the subject matter thus, allowing me to approach concepts/problems in different ways.


Type Subject Issued-By Level Year
Degree Biology UNC-Chapel Hill BS 2008
Degree Chemistry UNC-Chapel Hill BS 2008
Other MCAT Intrusctor Kaplan MCAT Teacher 2008
Certification AP Scholar Advanced Placement - College Board AP Scholar with Honors 2005

Diana D

Teaching Style

Having a minor in psychology, as well as the wonderful teachers I had been exposed to over the years, has helped me to recognize that each student had a unique learning style. I attempt to discover this style, which usually happens within one lesson, and focus in on proper teaching methods to cater to this style. I am very patient and have worked with various levels of skill and ability to intake information. I love hands on activities where possible (sciences mainly) and have a multitude of visual examples for many subjects. I hope to inspire my students to want to learn a subject they once thought was "pointless" or "boring".

Experience Summary

I began tutoring when I was in middle school. Our school designed a program where honors students were paired with students they believed to be at risk for dropping out of school before they graduated high school. I tutored one specific student for 2 years and continued to mentor him through high school. After this program I realized I loved working one-on-one with people who were truly struggling with education. I have always known education was extremely important to my own success and I wanted to help others gain knowledge towards their own goals. I tutored through college and still continue to do so. My education has given me insight into many levels of math and science as well as recognizing how to write on a scientific level due to laboratory analysis. Due to this ability to express math and science on a basic level it aides in explaining it to others who do not have a firm grasp on the topic at hand. I have tutored the following subjects at a high school level: chemistry (regular through AP), biology (up to the AP level), linear functions, calculus, statistics, physics (up to AP), algebra I & II, and trigonometry. At a college level I have tutored: chemistry, organic chemistry, biology, molecular biology, cellular biology, statistics (at the request of the professor), physics, biomedical physics, public health, anatomy, and trigonometry.


Type Subject Issued-By Level Year
Degree Biomedical Sciences Univeristy of south Florida BS 2007
Other Chemistry Univeristy of South Florida Minor 2007
Other Biomedical Physics Univeristy of South Florida Minor 2007
Other Psychology Univeristy of South Florida Minor 2007

Amanda A

Teaching Style

I love sharing my love for mathematics with others. I find that my enthusiasm for the subject and for learning is contagious and helps me inspire my students to do their best. I believe that anyone can be successful at mathematics, and focus on showing concepts and ideas in several different ways to accommodate different learning styles. I focus on teaching problem solving and showing students the relevance of mathematics in their lives.

Experience Summary

I have a Bachelors and Masters in Mathematics. I have been tutoring students in Mathematics since early in my college career. I have been teaching at the community college and university level for the past 4 years. During this time I have taught college level and high school level math as well as Mathematics for Elementary School Teachers. This experience has familiarized me with all of the current models, standards and principles of Mathematics education at every level.


Type Subject Issued-By Level Year
Degree Mathematics Oregon State University MS 2005
Degree Business Administration University of Oregon Minor 2003
Degree Mathematics University of Oregon BS 2003

Joanne J

Teaching Style

My teaching style is student centered and hands-on. I try to get students to recreate what scientists really do in the lab to discover and find solutions to problems, so a lot of time is spent in the lab and collaborating. I also incorporate data analysis in the lab experiences, so a lot of my labs require that students collect and share data, and base their conclusions to a problem on the data, and not a book answer. I think this is the reason why I had so many science fair winners at the middle school level. Often my parents where I amazed at what I could get their kids to create in terms of lab reports.

Experience Summary

I have been teaching for about 14 years. I discovered teaching while I was doing volunteer work bringing science to elementary school children in the inner cities of Philadelphia. I was hooked. I had so much fun and the fact that I could get paid for it was secondary but a bonus. I started out as a middle school teacher and I have been quite successful with them at science fair competitions. One year, 6 of my sixth graders took 6 of the 7 places in city fair. My eighth graders won first place 2 years in a row. One student went on to state competition (he won 2nd place in a category higher than his grade level), and another was awarded and honored at a Spectroscopy Society dinner. I am presently teaching high school Chemistry and General Science, and I love what I do.


Type Subject Issued-By Level Year
Degree Secondary Science Education University of Pennsylvania MS Ed 1993
Degree Chemistry w/ minor Biology Temple University BA 1987

A Word From Previous Students and Parents

Othon G.

St. Augustine, FL

Things are great and I would recomend John to everyone.

Mercy P.

Miami, FL

Lori was fantastic. I was really impressed by her attitude, patience and ability. My son really enjoyed her lessons and and feels she helped him overcome the blockage that has always made him fear Math. I am planning on requesting her again right bef...


Deb, M.

Celebration, FL

Elle met with Randy and it went extremely well. Elle learned a great deal from Randy and looks forward to continuing to work with him.

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