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College Tutors

Today many students take college level course starting in 11th grade with Advanced Placement courses. Other students are attending a community college, technical college, Business College, medical college, or even a prestigious 4-year university. No matter the level or the location, certain college courses can be a challenge, if not down right overwhelming. This is when it is best to turn to a professional tutor for help. No matter the subject area, we believe in experts with related experience providing professional college level tutoring. Our college tutors are always top in quality and credentials.

Our Tutoring Service

We offer our clients choice when searching for a tutor, and we work with you all the way through the selection process. When you choose to work with one of our tutors, expect quality, professionalism, and experience. We will never offer you a tutor that is not qualified in the specific subject area you request. We will provide you with the degrees, credentials, and certifications each selected tutor holds so that you have the same confidence in them that we do. And for your peace of mind, we conduct a nation-wide criminal background check, sexual predator check and social security verification on every single tutor we offer you. We will find you the right tutor so that you can find success!

Here Are Some Of Our Tutor Profiles

Vinod V

Teaching Style

The cornerstone of my teaching philosophy and personal teaching goals is to help students develop their own thinking skills. I believe all students should leave the school armed with the ability to think for them selves, to think critically and to think creatively. Understanding how people learn is one of the significant aspects of teaching. This is linked to their “knowledge” background and maturity. The key to teaching is to relate to the audience by starting from what they know and building upon it. As a teacher I am totally involved with the class, dedicated to my students and 100% prepared to devote time and energy for their intellectual growth. Love for teaching evokes passion and dedication within me. I believe that the enthusiasm of a motivated teacher rubs off on his/her students, who derive the inspiration and encouragement which actuates their desire to learn. A good teacher should have sound fundamentals and command over the concepts. Fundamentals are the foundation intrinsic for mastering the subject; only teachers who are strong in fundamentals will be able to pass it on to their students. I believe that my strong command over the fundamentals will rub off on my students. I believe that the role of a teacher is that of a leader where you have to show the path, motivate, encourage, and lead by example. In short, my success lies in seeing my students succeed.

Experience Summary

My enthusiasm and love for education can be gauged from the fact that I pursued three Masters degrees in three distinct but related fields. One cannot pursue engineering as a profession without having an affinity for Math and Analysis. Math was a passion for me from my young days and still very much remains so. I have a thorough knowledge and understanding of math. Right from my school days I was involved and loved to teach math. I invariably obtained A+ scores in whatever math test I took in my lifetime. For instance my GRE math score was above 95% of test takers' scores. I have taught Middle school, High school and under-graduate students in Algebra, Geometry, Trigonometry, Quadratic Equations, Applied Probability and Calculus.


Type Subject Issued-By Level Year
Degree City Planning Kansas State University MRCP 2002
Degree Engineering Anna University ME 2000
Degree Business Administration Loyola Institute of Business PGDBA 1998
Degree Civil Engineering Institution of Engineers BE 1994

Davorin D

Teaching Style

From my tutoring experience, I have noticed that students have trouble understanding the meaning of numbers and symbols on paper simply because no one has taught them how to visualize and interpret them in a real world situation. They also don't realize that they have plethora of resources and tools available to them to help them, yet they rarely utilize them. I try to give hints and clues to my students and let them obtain the right answers on their own instead of simply solving the problem for them. I believe this gives them a much better understand of the material.

Experience Summary

Having recently graduated with a Bachelor's degree, I am continuing my education to obtain my Master's degree in mathematics. Number Theory will be my focus, as I intend to get involved in the encryption field. During my senior year as undergraduate, I have worked on campus as a teacher's assistant and at home as an online tutor for UNCG's iSchool program. I have privately tutored undergraduates needing help in pre-calculus and calculus. I enjoyed helping the students and showing them some of my own tricks and ways when it comes to solving the problems.


Type Subject Issued-By Level Year
Degree Mathematics with Concentration in Computer Science University of North Carolina at Greensboro BS 2007

Hazetta H

Teaching Style

Being an educator various teaching styles were implemented, but my preference is Constructivism Philosophy of teaching. This philosophy introduces various techniques and strategies fostering a student-centered learning atmosphere. This method offered a structured setting for high and low functioning students. The students initiated and created positive effective learning opportunities in groups. This has established and maintained positive relationships with students, parents, colleagues and community advocators. This has fostered a safe and learning environment.

Experience Summary

As a veteran teacher, I have managed classroom from elementary to secondary classes. I assumed diverse responsibilities from special and standard diploma students (reading, phonics, math, learning strategies, language arts, and career education). Conferred with parents weekly/ monthly, implemented various assessment tools to meet the varying academic functioning levels. Collaborated and assist in designing modified behavior plans for under achievers and potential at risk students. I am an enthusiastic educator with a passionate commitment to develop student’s achievement. I advocate challenging, enriching and innovating opportunities for exceptional education students. I am a team member who strives to effectively collaborate with all levels of staff members to establish quality relationships with students. I implemented a Community Based Instruction Program (CBI) for students seeking future employment in the community for three years.


Type Subject Issued-By Level Year
Degree Adminstration & Supervision Nova Southeastern University MA 1988
Degree Emotional Disturbance University of South Florida BA 1980
Degree General Education St. Petersburg AA 1975

Elaine E

Teaching Style

Since I have a degree in special education and ESL, I have used many different methods of teaching. As a teacher I see myself as a facilitator. I want my students to be in charge of their learning, not me. I often ask a student “leading questions” instead of just giving them the answer. I also consider the audience when I am teaching. I ask myself...Are they familiar with our customs or not? Do they know our idioms or not?

Experience Summary

I have a MS in Varying Exceptionalities. I also have 18 hrs of ESL. Currently, I am working on 18 hrs of English. I have taught pre-school through adults. I have taught many different kinds of students. I have taught international students, ESL students, and native speakers of English. I have worked in pre-schools, public schools, private schools, language schools, and colleges. I have tutored many different kinds of students from foster children to adults.


Type Subject Issued-By Level Year
Certification ESL Nova Southeastern University 18 hours 2002
Other St. of Fl. Teaching Cert. State of Fl K-12 2000
Degree Special ED Nova Southeastern University MA 1999

Subi S

Teaching Style

I love children and enjoy teaching, as I am a trained teacher. I know how to handle the children according to their age. I think a teacher should be a friend, a philosopher and a guide to the students.

Experience Summary

I have earned a master's degree in physics and bachelor's degree in education. I understand the methodology of teaching. I have two years of work experience in teaching. First I started my career by teaching physics in a vocational secondary school for one year. Then I worked in a high school teaching upper level math & science classes.


Type Subject Issued-By Level Year
Degree Education Calicut University, India B.Ed 2002
Degree Physics Calicut University, India M.Sc 2001
Degree Physics Calicut University, India B.Sc 1999

Dara D

Teaching Style

I believe in my students and their abilities to learn and synthesize their experiences. My students learn their subjects because I provide a variety of techniques to command their attention. I believe teaching is not just about giving students information but about reaching students who might "get lost" in the system without a guide and friend to help them along.

Experience Summary

I have taught for over ten years in the public school system and learned how to "connect" with students. I have taught physics, chemistry, and mathematics at the high school level, and I have a wide range of teaching experiences in those fields. I have taught AP, honors, and standard classes. Using interesting movies followed by a lab to reinforce the concept is one of the ways I have used to reach students and make a difference in their lives.


Type Subject Issued-By Level Year
Certification Physics 6 - 12 State of Florida 9 credit hours current
Degree Mathematics University of Central Florida M.S. 1993
Degree Physics University of Central Florida B.S. 1990

Emily E

Teaching Style

My teaching style focuses on the needs of the student. I tend to access how the student learns best within the first 1-2 sessions and then I can work with the student in the way that is most beneficial to him or her. Each student has a ball of learning energy inside them that will come out if you encourage them. I love encouraging students and getting them excited about learning new things. I try to simplify concepts to make it easier to grasp and compare assignments to life situations. There aren't many people who care about how other people succeed, but I love to watch people grow as they learn new ideas, grasp new concepts, learn some new studying tips and succeed in their education.

Experience Summary

As a graduate with a BA in English and Spanish I have developed a love for languages. As an English major I have read hundreds of books and wrote scores of papers, which gave me excellent reading and grammar skills. Writing papers also helped me learn to critically analyze and interpret passages as well as whole books. Education outside of my university includes a month in Prague for a four week course to get a TEFL certificate (Teaching English as a Foreign Language). During that month we, the students, taught the Czech students English. When I spent four months in Spain, I tutored a girl who needed a little extra help with studying for her classes. We worked together twice a week on her Spanish assignments in the areas of Spanish history, grammar, phonetics and literature.


Type Subject Issued-By Level Year
Degree Linguistics FAU MA 2015
Degree English Longwood University BA 2006
Degree Spanish Longwood Uni & the American Institute BA, 18 credit hours 2006
Certification Teaching English as a Foreign Language (TEFL) TEFL Worldwide Prague course completetion 2005

Shelly S

Teaching Style

Because science is a "hands-on" subject, I feel it is extremely important to use demonstrations, examples that are relevant to every-day life, experiments and anything else that will help students understand the world around them. I have been told that I have an "out-of-the-box" approach to learning, but have found it to be successful with the majority of students. Classroom discussions are utilized more often then lectures, because when a student plays an active role in their education, they learn more.

Experience Summary

Over the past 12 years, I have worked in both the private and public sectors of the education community. I have taught grades 7-12 in all areas of science. I have also been the director of a learning center, where I started as a tutor. The years of experience have taught me a great deal about children of all ages and abilities. With each new year, I learn something new about myself and my style.


Type Subject Issued-By Level Year
Certification Unified Science- Earth, Chem, Phys, Bio State of Missouri 9-12 Grades 2003
Certification Physical Science State of Illinois 6-12 Grades 1995
Certification Life Sciences - Bio, Anat/Phys State of Illinois 6-12 Grades 1995
Degree Zoology Eastern Illinois University BS 1995
Degree Botany Eastern Illinois University BS 1995

A Word From Previous Students and Parents

Deb, M.

Celebration, FL

Elle met with Randy and it went extremely well. Elle learned a great deal from Randy and looks forward to continuing to work with him.

Karleen S.

Las Vegas, NV

Sabrina has excelled and Christianna is truly a wonderful, wonderful young woman.  We are so fortunate to have her tutor Sabrina, she has made this difference for us and I cannot tell you how relieved we are to see such improvement.  Christianna is p...


Jackie, J.

Chuluota, FL

We are very happy with Ronda and we would highly recommend her to anyone. Ronda has had prior teaching experience where Clay attends, and this has been helpful in that she understands how some of his teachers approach classroom objectives. Language ...