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Our Tutoring Service

We believe that one-on-one, personalized, in-home instruction is the most effective way for students to focus on academic improvement and build confidence. We know that finding you the best tutor means more that just sending a qualified teacher into your home. We provide our clients access to the largest selection of highly qualified and fully screened professional tutors in the country. We believe that tutoring is most effective when the academic needs of the student are clearly defined. Our purpose is to help you clarify those needs, set academic goals, and meet those goals as quickly and effectively as possible. Using a tutor should be a positive experience that results in higher achievement and higher self-confidence for every learner.

Here Are Some Of Our Tutor Profiles

Francis Eugene F

Teaching Style

I always enjoyed teaching. I often was able to teach high school English classes part-time even while I served as college advisor and Guidance Director in 2 different private high schools. I especially liked English literature. It was challenging to get teenage boys to like literature, so I often used videos & other visual aids to help them understand and enjoy reading good literature.

Experience Summary

I always wanted to be a teacher ever since I was in the upper grades of grammar school. After attending a private high school on scholarship, I earned another scholarship for university attendance. After graduating, I taught for 9 years in elementary schools. I taught part-time for the next 14 years in a private high school, and also served as college advisor. Since 2003, I have been teaching adults in driving classes part-time.


Type Subject Issued-By Level Year
Degree Education College of St. Rose MS 1966
Other English Literature Manhattan College Graduate-24 credits 1960
Degree English The Catholic University of America BA 1956

Kalpa K

Teaching Style

I like to teach students from high school level to graduate level. Each student has a different level of understanding and interest for a given subject. Thus it is imperative that my teachings should have the ability to steer anyone’s brain that I am tutoring. In order to do so, I believe that the structure of my lectures should be incremental in complexity. I would like to start with basics and steadily introduce complexities and citing importance of each process so that students can have an appreciation for the subject core being taught.

Experience Summary

Although I have not tutored for a professional firm, I have peer-tutored many students in various areas such as undergrad as well as grad level Biochemistry, Cell Biology, Molecular Biology.


Type Subject Issued-By Level Year
Degree Biochemistry Rush University PhD 2006

Amanda A

Teaching Style

I love sharing my love for mathematics with others. I find that my enthusiasm for the subject and for learning is contagious and helps me inspire my students to do their best. I believe that anyone can be successful at mathematics, and focus on showing concepts and ideas in several different ways to accommodate different learning styles. I focus on teaching problem solving and showing students the relevance of mathematics in their lives.

Experience Summary

I have a Bachelors and Masters in Mathematics. I have been tutoring students in Mathematics since early in my college career. I have been teaching at the community college and university level for the past 4 years. During this time I have taught college level and high school level math as well as Mathematics for Elementary School Teachers. This experience has familiarized me with all of the current models, standards and principles of Mathematics education at every level.


Type Subject Issued-By Level Year
Degree Mathematics Oregon State University MS 2005
Degree Business Administration University of Oregon Minor 2003
Degree Mathematics University of Oregon BS 2003

Jonathan J

Teaching Style

I try to explain ideas in more than one way. If you can take an idea and look at from multiple angles then you have a better grasp of it. I also find that some explanations, for whatever reason, just don't work for some people and it's necessary to think of a new way to explain something. I enjoy teaching people things and I get a feeling of satisfaction when I help other people to learn.

Experience Summary

I have a master's degree in Economics and undergraduate degrees in both Mathematics and Economics. In my courses I have generally been one of the strongest students and I would regularly help my peers. I really enjoyed this informal tutoring for several reasons. I like explaining things, and I like helping out my friends. I also found that when I explained a concept to a fellow student that I developed a deeper understanding myself. For me, informal tutoring was something I enjoyed and it also helped me be a better student.


Type Subject Issued-By Level Year
Degree Economics London School of Economics and Poitical Science MS 2008
Degree Mathematics Colorado State University BS 2005

Carla C

Teaching Style

I believe each student has a unique way of learning, and that my job is to discover and support that learning style. Every writer has his or her own voice, and I work to empower writers to express their thoughts as clearly and powerfully as possible. My goal is not to impose information but to guide students in discovery, to support critical thinking and foster new perspectives. Writing is an intensely personal and creative act; I believe in providing a framework within which writing students can comfortably and confidently learn the strategies to speak easily on the page.

Experience Summary

I've spent most of my life helping people learn, starting as a peer tutor in high school! I began teaching professionally as a teaching assistant in college, and since then I've taught in a wide variety of settings, including government training programs, workplace and vocational education, university, high school and community college classes, and private language schools. As a published writer, I mentor and coach writing students in fiction, nonfiction and college composition, and I've designed and developed many classes and programs to support writing students of all levels. I was a tutor for three years at the International School of Languages in Beverly Hills, working with foreign students to improve their command of English. With a BA and MA in Russian studies and a minor in English and journalism, as well as certification in adult literacy, GED and basic education and a community college credential, I have a wide range of experience in language education and writing competency.


Type Subject Issued-By Level Year
Certification Website Design Ohio University Professional Development 2005
Certification Writing, English, Russian State of Arizona Community College 1995
Certification Adult Education, Writing, GED State of Arizona Adult Education 1995
Other Pickard Award for Short Fiction Potpourri Magazine / Pickard Foundation Short Story 1994
Certification Adult Education - GED, English, ESL UCLA - Applied Linguistics State of California 1987
Degree Russian Studies University of Arizona MA 1978
Degree Russian Studies/English University of Arizona BA 1976

Emily E

Teaching Style

My teaching style focuses on the needs of the student. I tend to access how the student learns best within the first 1-2 sessions and then I can work with the student in the way that is most beneficial to him or her. Each student has a ball of learning energy inside them that will come out if you encourage them. I love encouraging students and getting them excited about learning new things. I try to simplify concepts to make it easier to grasp and compare assignments to life situations. There aren't many people who care about how other people succeed, but I love to watch people grow as they learn new ideas, grasp new concepts, learn some new studying tips and succeed in their education.

Experience Summary

As a graduate with a BA in English and Spanish I have developed a love for languages. As an English major I have read hundreds of books and wrote scores of papers, which gave me excellent reading and grammar skills. Writing papers also helped me learn to critically analyze and interpret passages as well as whole books. Education outside of my university includes a month in Prague for a four week course to get a TEFL certificate (Teaching English as a Foreign Language). During that month we, the students, taught the Czech students English. When I spent four months in Spain, I tutored a girl who needed a little extra help with studying for her classes. We worked together twice a week on her Spanish assignments in the areas of Spanish history, grammar, phonetics and literature.


Type Subject Issued-By Level Year
Degree Linguistics FAU MA 2015
Degree English Longwood University BA 2006
Degree Spanish Longwood Uni & the American Institute BA, 18 credit hours 2006
Certification Teaching English as a Foreign Language (TEFL) TEFL Worldwide Prague course completetion 2005

Jennifer J

Teaching Style

I enjoy working with a student one-on-one. We know that every child develops on a different learning curve, which is why the tutoring process is so crucial. Working individually with a child can help them overcome some of the frustration and confusion that comes along with learning in a crowded classroom. I have a great amount of patience and understanding to help the child develop his own learning style and guide him to work through the problems at his own pace to ensure that he truly understands the material. Learning is a step by step process and I know that I can guide each child through the steps they need to take to complete any and all challenges they may face, not just in school, but in life.

Experience Summary

I began tutoring algebra when I was in high school for my boss' kids in the back of the restaurant where I worked. I then went on to get my BA in mathematics at La Salle University, with a minor in Education. While in college, I continued tutoring my fellow students in math and chemistry for a peer tutoring program set up by the school. In addition I observed/student taught at various schools in the Philadelphia area. I have knowledge of a wide range of mathematics, my specialty being algebra and calculus. Due to my experience, I am also proficient in English and can assist in research paper writing.


Type Subject Issued-By Level Year
Degree Mathematics La Salle University Bachelor's 2007

Diana D

Teaching Style

Having a minor in psychology, as well as the wonderful teachers I had been exposed to over the years, has helped me to recognize that each student had a unique learning style. I attempt to discover this style, which usually happens within one lesson, and focus in on proper teaching methods to cater to this style. I am very patient and have worked with various levels of skill and ability to intake information. I love hands on activities where possible (sciences mainly) and have a multitude of visual examples for many subjects. I hope to inspire my students to want to learn a subject they once thought was "pointless" or "boring".

Experience Summary

I began tutoring when I was in middle school. Our school designed a program where honors students were paired with students they believed to be at risk for dropping out of school before they graduated high school. I tutored one specific student for 2 years and continued to mentor him through high school. After this program I realized I loved working one-on-one with people who were truly struggling with education. I have always known education was extremely important to my own success and I wanted to help others gain knowledge towards their own goals. I tutored through college and still continue to do so. My education has given me insight into many levels of math and science as well as recognizing how to write on a scientific level due to laboratory analysis. Due to this ability to express math and science on a basic level it aides in explaining it to others who do not have a firm grasp on the topic at hand. I have tutored the following subjects at a high school level: chemistry (regular through AP), biology (up to the AP level), linear functions, calculus, statistics, physics (up to AP), algebra I & II, and trigonometry. At a college level I have tutored: chemistry, organic chemistry, biology, molecular biology, cellular biology, statistics (at the request of the professor), physics, biomedical physics, public health, anatomy, and trigonometry.


Type Subject Issued-By Level Year
Degree Biomedical Sciences Univeristy of south Florida BS 2007
Other Chemistry Univeristy of South Florida Minor 2007
Other Biomedical Physics Univeristy of South Florida Minor 2007
Other Psychology Univeristy of South Florida Minor 2007

A Word From Previous Students and Parents

Jeff, B.

Weston, FL

Sharon is doing great... Best so far. Thanks.

Mercy P.

Miami, FL

Lori was fantastic. I was really impressed by her attitude, patience and ability. My son really enjoyed her lessons and and feels she helped him overcome the blockage that has always made him fear Math. I am planning on requesting her again right bef...


Jackie, J.

Chuluota, FL

We are very happy with Ronda and we would highly recommend her to anyone. Ronda has had prior teaching experience where Clay attends, and this has been helpful in that she understands how some of his teachers approach classroom objectives. Language ...