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College Tutors

Today many students take college level course starting in 11th grade with Advanced Placement courses. Other students are attending a community college, technical college, Business College, medical college, or even a prestigious 4-year university. No matter the level or the location, certain college courses can be a challenge, if not down right overwhelming. This is when it is best to turn to a professional tutor for help. No matter the subject area, we believe in experts with related experience providing professional college level tutoring. Our college tutors are always top in quality and credentials.

Las Vegas Tutors

With one of the largest and fastest growing communities of school age children, we have been proudly helping students find academic success in Las Vegas for many years. Our reputation as a premium service is evident in the hundreds of testimonials we have received from parents, students, and schools across Las Vegas and the surrounding areas.

Our highly customized service means that you determine exactly who your tutor will be, where the tutoring will take place, and for how long. We know that Las Vegas parents know their children best, so we work with you to insure the tutoring is enjoyable and efficient. Results-oriented and compassionate Las Vegas tutors are available now to help your child reach his or her full potential.

Our Tutoring Service

We believe that the most effective tutoring occurs when you have the undivided attention of a highly qualified and experienced tutor by your side. Our exceptional tutors are not only experienced and educated, but are experts in their field and passionate about teaching others. We will always provide you with a tutor specifically qualified and experienced in the subject matter you need. And for your peace of mind, we conduct a nation-wide criminal background check, sexual predator check and social security verification on every single tutor we offer you. Before you invest money and time into tutoring sessions, be sure you have selected the right tutor for you.

Here Are Some Of Our Tutor Profiles

Redha R

Teaching Style

I teach by example and I am methodical. I show a student how to solve a problem by going very slowly and by following a sequence of steps. I make sure that the student follows understands each step before moving on to the next one. I then ask the student to solve almost the exact same problem (with a slight change in numbers for example)so that the student learns the method and how to solve the problem by herself/himself. I am very patient but expect the student to be willing to learn. I tell students that learning a subject matter is more important than getting an A in a class - this is because 1. if you learn, chances are you won't forget (at least for a long while) and 2. you will get a good grade as a result.

Experience Summary

I have been employed by the IBM corporation for the last 27 years. I held numerous positions in hardware development, software development, telecommunication network development, project management, solution architecture, performance analysis, and others. As much as I enjoy my job, I have passion in Mathematics. I develop new ideas related to my work and expand them into U.S. patents and external technical papers. I informally tutor family and friends attending high school or college. I was a Mathematics teaching assistant at the Univ. of Pittsburgh for 2 years and at the Univ. of Michigan at Ann Arbor for 3 years. I love teaching and sharing my knowledge with others. I have published numerous technical papers and hold numerous U.S. patents as well.


Type Subject Issued-By Level Year
Other Arabic Native speaker Fluent current
Other French Native speaker Fluent current
Degree Electrical Engineering Univeristy of Michigan P.h.D 1990
Degree Electrical Engineering and Mathematics University of Pittsburgh M.S. 1982
Degree Computer Science and Mathematics Univerisity of Pittsburgh B.S. 1980

Gary G

Teaching Style

My teaching style has been, for the most part, dictated by student response. I am comfortable teaching in a traditional lecture format, in a format that uses a cooperative learning approach exclusively, or in a hybrid format. The goal is for effective learning to take place, and I believe my strongest quality is to be able to adapt in such a way that best helps students reach their academic goals.

Experience Summary

For eight years, I taught freshman and sophomore-level mathematics courses at Arizona State University. These courses included College Algebra, Pre-Calculus, Calculus, Finite Mathematics, and Elementary Mathematics Theory. Additionally, I have tutored students in these courses both in the Mathematics Department Tutor Center, and on my own personal time.


Type Subject Issued-By Level Year
Degree Mathematics Southern Illinois University MS 1999
Degree Mathematics Allegheny College BS 1996

Elaine E

Teaching Style

Since I have a degree in special education and ESL, I have used many different methods of teaching. As a teacher I see myself as a facilitator. I want my students to be in charge of their learning, not me. I often ask a student “leading questions” instead of just giving them the answer. I also consider the audience when I am teaching. I ask myself...Are they familiar with our customs or not? Do they know our idioms or not?

Experience Summary

I have a MS in Varying Exceptionalities. I also have 18 hrs of ESL. Currently, I am working on 18 hrs of English. I have taught pre-school through adults. I have taught many different kinds of students. I have taught international students, ESL students, and native speakers of English. I have worked in pre-schools, public schools, private schools, language schools, and colleges. I have tutored many different kinds of students from foster children to adults.


Type Subject Issued-By Level Year
Certification ESL Nova Southeastern University 18 hours 2002
Other St. of Fl. Teaching Cert. State of Fl K-12 2000
Degree Special ED Nova Southeastern University MA 1999

Chi Young C

Teaching Style

I believe all students will learn successfully, given the appropriate tools. I place great emphasis in finding their individual learning styles and their strengths and weaknesses. This helps me build an individualized program to target their specific needs and to enhance their strengths. I like to challenge the students to always reach higher and to learn in a meaningful and enjoyable manner.

Experience Summary

As a reading specialist in New York for the last 4 years and a tutor for 10+ years, I have enjoyed teaching students and leading them to success. Continually retooling myself professionally has kept me motivated to learn new techniques and strategies to help students achieve their goals. Because of my many encounters with struggling learners, I understand the academic and social demands on kids. When frustrations arise in school, specialized tutoring can attend to the children's needs and alleviate their struggles. With proper, targeted instruction, I have helped students succeed, feeling more confident to participate in school lessons and activities. With various high quality literature, non fiction, high interest magazines, manipulatives for word work including developing spelling and decoding skills, I have been teaching students with much success. I have also been trained and certified in the Wilson Reading Program. Using this multisensory, phonics-based program, I have led many non-readers to reading with confidence.


Type Subject Issued-By Level Year
Certification Wilson Reading Program International Dyslexia Association/Wilson I 2007
Certification Literacy NYS K-12 2005
Degree Literacy Teachers College, Columbia Univ MA 2005
Degree Psychology and Education K-6 Barnard College, Columbia Univ BA 1996

Stuart S

Teaching Style

As a product of top-notch education I feel that I have become intimately familiar with effective teaching styles and have thereby tried to replicate the best of these styles. I would describe my teaching style as adaptive because I feel a certain teaching style that works for one student may be inadequate for another student. For this reason I strive to first determine how a particular student learns and subsequently derive an action plan. For example, if a student seems to retain information from a book or other types of visual material but not from a teacher's lecture I would deem that student to be a more visual based learner. In such a scenario, I would approach the student in a visual based manner through animations, practice problems, and other visual material. On the other hand, if the student was found to be a more auditory-based learner that student may benefit from descriptive metaphors or a verbal walk through of sample problems.

Experience Summary

As a graduate of Bucknell University and the prestigious Mercersburg Academy, I gained a strong affinity for education and thereby providing quality learning experiences for others. While at the Mercersburg Academy I earned a 700 math score and a 680 verbal score on my SATs. At Bucknell I earned a bachelor's of science degree in biochemistry and cell biology while gaining extensive experience in chemistry, biology, psychology, physics, math, and scientific research. I have also gained extensive writing experience in the form of research papers, lab reports, and numerous other classes at both Bucknell and Mercersburg that required a plethora of writing. During the past year I served as an Honors and Accelerated Chemistry teacher at the esteemed Worcester Academy while tutoring biology, physics, and chemistry students during the evenings.


Type Subject Issued-By Level Year
Other Honors Chemistry Teacher Worcester Academy Upper School 2007-present
Other Science Tutor Worcester Academy Upper School 2007-present
Degree Cell Biology and Biochemistry Bucknell University BS 2007

Nova N

Teaching Style

I love seeing students succeed. I am an excellent teacher because I really care, therefore I put in extra effort to planning and making lessons effective. When possible, I use materials that match student interests. I foster an emotionally safe learning environment so that students feel comfortable. I keep my interactions with students very positive. I believe that emphasizing what a student does right works better than focusing on mistakes.

Experience Summary

I am passionate about helping students learn. My experience includes: • 2 years as a Reading teacher and 2 years as an ESOL teacher. • 8 years as a tutor. • 2 years as a manager and supervisor. • 10 years in technology and business systems I have a Master’s degree in Language Education, and I hold several Florida teaching certifications including Reading Endorsement. I have tutored elementary, middle and high school students, as well as adults. Subjects tutored include Reading and English.


Type Subject Issued-By Level Year
Certification Reading Endorsement State of Florida K-12 current
Certification English State of Florida 6-12 current
Certification Social Science State of Florida 6-12 current
Certification ESOL State of Florida K-12 current
Degree Language Education Rutgers Univ. Grad. Sch. of Education M.Ed. 1996
Degree Liberal Arts Rutgers University, Douglass College B.A. with Honors 1989

Karissa K

Teaching Style

I love one-on-one tutoring because of the complete attention I can pay to the tutee’s specific needs and his or her learning style. My personality is encouraging, positive and patient, and that has served me well in building relationships with repeat tutees at the Writing Center over the past two years. To me, the primary role of a tutor is to explore ideas about the subject in a way that there is not time for in the classroom and also to ask tutees the questions they would not think to ask themselves about their ideas. I can help tutees explore the potential of their ideas and how to own the skills they already possess. My role is also to help the tutee expand his or her knowledge base and tools for future writing through examples, research and discussion.

Experience Summary

As a tutor at the University of Arizona Writing Center, I worked with undergraduate, graduate and international students on all aspects of the writing process. This encompassed higher and lower order concerns including brainstorming, outlining, drafting, formatting, thesis and topic sentence work, grammar and ESL concerns, research methods, and content. My tutees came from all majors including English, History, Business, and the sciences. I worked on everything from rhetorical analyses to technical writing for business to personal statements and research papers. I also spent two semesters in an online tutoring program for high school students to submit drafts of their college admissions essays for commentary. They could then make revisions and resubmit additional drafts for further critiquing. Additionally, as a Magna Cum Laude History graduate with a Political Science minor, I focused on American History and government and developed a passion for those topics I love to impart on others.


Type Subject Issued-By Level Year
Degree History University of Arizona BA 2008

Timothy T

Teaching Style

When I tutor a student, I seek first to understand the student and how he/she thinks. I find it is very important to have good rapport and communication with the student so I understand how he/she views the subject and the difficulties of it. Next I try to make "conceptual bridges" from what they know to what they are having difficulty understanding. This process usually teaches me about seeing the subject from a new point of view. I try to achieve a fine balance between guiding and directing the student’s thoughts on the topic with following the student in their own line of thinking of the subject. The student needs to learn to have confidence in his own thoughts on the subject and in his own ability to master it.

Experience Summary

Over the past four years, I have tutored high school and middle school students in math, algebra, calculus, chemistry, SAT Math, and general study skills. My preference is to tutor math, algebra, calculus, physics, physical science, chemistry, and programming. Math is the subject for which I have the greatest passion. I also participate in the homeschooling of four of my children (13, 11, 8, 6). I have mentored my 13 yr old son in Algebra I & II, Chemistry, Elementary Math, and Middle-school Physical Science, and taught elementary math to my 11, 8, and 6 year olds. Additionally, I read and review history lessons to my kids. I completed my MS in Electrical Engineering in 2006 from The University of Texas at Arlington and my BS in Electrical Engineering and a BA in Philosophy from Rice University. I have recent experience as a student having completed Cellular Biology II at St. Petersburg College in Fall 2011.


Type Subject Issued-By Level Year
Degree Electrical Engineering Univ. of Texas - Arlington Masters 2006
Certification Design for Six Sigma Honeywell International DFSS - Green Belt 2003
Degree Electrical Engineering Rice University BSEE 1989
Degree Philosophy Rice University BA 1989

A Word From Previous Students and Parents

Judy L.

Clermont, FL

Thought I would share Jean's grades with you. The last numbers are her grades at mid term this final nine weeks!! She has come up on five grades. I know you are a HUGE part. I want to thank you so much.

Deb, M.

Celebration, FL

Elle met with Randy and it went extremely well. Elle learned a great deal from Randy and looks forward to continuing to work with him.

Megan G.

Tampa, FL

I was extremely impressed with Patti on Tuesday, September 9. She was competely prepared for me and had looked over the assignments I sent her and made study cards as well as sheets that I could use. I would highly recommend her based on our first se...